Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Indian Bridal Jewelry

For the quintessential Indian bride, the perfect Indian bridal jewelry enhances her looks as much as her make-up does. Her beauty as the blushing bride is amplified not only by the kohl around her eyes and the different hues on her eyelids but also by the eye-catching Indian bridal jewelry that adorns her entire person, from head to toe.

Although much of the Indian bridal jewelry an Indian bride could wear is dependent on the size of her budget, she usually sees to it that she is bedecked with the most lavish ones that she could lay her hands on. This is actually part of her presenting herself not only to her husband but also to the public. Because of this, an Indian bride would want her Indian bridal jewelry custom-designed.

An Indian bride would have her Indian bridal jewelry made, based on her wedding trousseau, especially on its dominant colors. The type of precious metals and stones that will be used in making the jewelry should blend with the colors of her wardrobe.

Indian bridal jewelry is not just one piece of jewelry worn by the Indian bride. It is made up of different pieces that complements and blends with each other to create that perfect look of an Indian bride. The Maangtika, the nose ring, the earrings, the bangles, the necklace, the anklets and toe rings make up the entirety of the complete Indian bridal jewelry.

The Maangtika is the most traditional and most essential part of the Indian bridal jewelry. Apart from the necklace, the Maangtika is the most noticeable piece of the Indian bridal jewelry adorned on an Indian bride. It is worn on the bride' head and is designed to be unique for each bride. While its color and design largely depend on the colors of the bride's outfit, it is usually made of precious stones like pearls and diamonds. It has a centerpiece that is exquisitely designed and sits on bride's forehead and is usually attached by a string that runs to the back of the bride's head.

Another essential part of the Indian bridal jewelry is the necklace. This piece is usually very eye-catching with a design that is in tune with the other pieces of Indian bridal jewelry adorned on the rest of the bride's body. The design of the necklace would also have to complement the neckline of the bride's wedding attire. Most of the common types of necklaces worn as part of the Indian bridal jewelry are the chokers and the long necklaces with elaborate designs and bedecked with precious stones that goes with the bridal colors. Chokers are worn over dresses with high necklines while the long necklaces complement those wedding dresses that have deep necklines.

An Indian bridal jewelry ensemble will not be complete without the traditional nose ring. This is as much a part of the Indian bridal jewelry as the Maangtika and is usually almost of the same design and color as the earrings. The traditional nose ring is called the nath and is made up of a ring worn at the nose that is studded with precious gems and has a long chain whether in gold or silver, that is attached to the hair of the bride. The rest of the pieces that go with the entire Indian bridal jewelry are as just as important. They are all needed to complete the look of the perfect Indian bride.


Harpreet Vohra represents Bombay Fashions, for more visit http://www.bombayfashions.comCandi Blog72972
Ceil Blog6795

How And Where To Meet Eligible Men

So you're a woman looking for a man... First off, you have to "know" what kind of man you're looking for, and then go wherever it is you'll most likely find that kind of man...

What kind of man are you looking for? It's a new world we live in, and believe it or not, you can find whatever kind of man it is you want! If you're looking for a husband, a meal ticket, a sugar-daddy, a lover, a father, or a companion - there's a man out there for you. The problem is, of course, to find the man that has enough of "all the things you want in a man" to satisfy you.

There are lots of eligible men available, and with just a little bit of intelligence, there's no honest reason why any woman wanting a man cannot find the man of her choice. The thing is, as mentioned already - you've got to know what kind of man you want, and where you'll most likely find him - and then, reach for him.

Men are just like women - they want a woman they can belong to, and call their own. People have to interact with other people in order to maintain a healthy equilibrium; and men have to interact with women on a personal basis in order to go on living. These are undeniable facts relative to the nature of human beings.

Most men have the same kind of shyness, inhibitions, and fears of rejection that women have - the only difference being that the male of our species has been trying to cope with these feelings in regards to meeting women, a lot longer than women have in regard to meeting men. But it's a new world - there's a lot more women out looking for men - and a lot of men seem to be caught up in their own problems, and unaware of the eligible women around that might like to become acquainted with them.

Thus, it's now necessary for a woman to make the first move when she spots a man that interests her and he doesn't make that first move.

What we're saying is simply this: Nowadays, whenever and wherever you spot a man that you'd like to get to know, and for whatever reasons, he doesn't seem to notice you, for sure, you should make that first move towards becoming acquainted. Say you're at a dance and you spot a man that interests you, by all means don't be hesitant to walk over and ask him if he'd like to dance with you. Or should you be having coffee somewhere and you spot a special man, simply tell him that you don't like being alone and would he like to join you.

Really, there's honestly nothing out-of-line or brazen about spotting a man that interests you, walking up to him, and telling him you find him appealing enough that you'd like to find out more about him. Most men will be flattered by your attentions, and if they are the kind of man you "sized" them up to be, they'll appreciate your breaking the ice for them. One other thing to understand - women are almost always "looking for" men while most men are where they are, doing what they are doing, for any one of a million different reasons.

In essence, you meet eligible men by frequenting the places you're most-likely to find the kind of man you want to meet. You have to make yourself available. Then too, if you spot a man you think might be one that you'd like to get to know better and he doesn't make the first move towards the two of you becoming acquainted, you should make that first move.

It's as simple as that. In most instances, the same fear and shyness - maybe even embarrassment - you're feeling, is haunting the man, and unless one of you makes that first move, another opportunity will have slipped through your fingers. Don't be afraid to walk right up to a man and tell him: You look as though you're all alone - do you want to talk for a minute or two...

We know of some women looking for men, perhaps because of an inability to just walk up to a man and start talking or maybe just because they have a flair for innovative approaches to the idea, have had business cards printed up, and hand them out to the men they see that look interesting to them. The wording on the one that most appealed to us was as follows: Hello there.

Please forgive my intrusion, but you strike me as someone I should know. My name is Mary Anderson, and if you've got a spare minute or two, you might give me a call at 123-4567...

You've got to have it firmly in your mind, the kind of man you want to meet. Then you've got to make yourself available in the kind of places that kind of man is most-likely to frequent.

Most assuredly, when you search for such a man, you should look, dress, and act according to what you feel will most appeal to that type of man. All men notice a woman who looks good, so you should do whatever is necessary to bring out your best features - a little make-up in the right places, a new hairstyle, a few figure-flattering clothes - and the kind of conduct that you feel will appeal to your kind of man.

Now then, the easiest and surest way of meeting eligible men is through the social activities of your local "singles" club such as Parents Without Partners, Singles International, and Servetus. Most such groups sponsor regular dances, dinner parties, rap sessions, and any number of other activities designed to bring divorced and/or single people together.

Lonely Hearts Correspondence Clubs are okay, but then.. meeting someone via correspondence, and learning to love them as result of what they write in their letters to you, is sometimes disappointing and a hard situation to get out of when you finally do meet them face-to-face.

Most of the Date-A-Mate services are okay, particularly those that employ video tape interviews, but the prices you pay for their introductions are beyond reason. Generally, the success rate of these services - that of matching you with a man that you end marrying, and staying married to him - is less than 10-percent. Some of them are just glorified "dating or escort" services.

Attending church in search of an eligible man sometimes works out, especially if the church sponsors dances, parties and group outings. However, there's not as many eligible men going to church in search of eligible women these days as there used to be.

If you have an outgoing personality and enjoy the whole scene, you can generally find lots of eligible men in the bars and taverns. The thing is, you have to "find" the bars or taverns that are frequented by the age group and kind of men that meet your needs.

You'll find a lot of "more financially secure" men in the better "motor inn" and hotel bars. About all you have to do is drop by and join in all the action when there's a convention or gathering of people from out of town in one of these places.

It's then that you'll find many of the "local eligibles" out on the town, plus of course a lot of men from out of town who are looking for women. In this kind of situation, most of the man will make the first move and once you become acquainted, they won't be in any big hurry to make any real commitments.

To find the action - where there's sure to be lots of eligible men - look in your local newspaper... Look for advertisements announcing square dances, neighborhood picnics, travel tours, and of course, festivals or similar special events. When you go to one of these activities, you've got to mingle with the people there, keep your eyes open for a man that may be the one you're looking for, and then - do your thing to become acquainted with him. Once you spot a man you'd like to become acquainted with, it's basically all up to you whether you do or don't.

Another one of the surest places of meeting eligible men is in the evening classes at your local colleges. If you're not familiar with their services, just give the college office a call and ask them to put you on their mailing list for bulletins and notices of up-coming classes being offered.

Most colleges are now offering any number of seminars, classes and even short courses designed to help people rebuilding their lives after a divorce. These classes are always well-attended, and those that attend are eligible. One of the best ways of meeting new friends while improving yourself.

Finally, and by all means, enlist the help of your friend and co-workers in helping you to meet new men. Tell them you'll be happy to come to their parties if they'll invite some of the eligible men they or their friends know. And then, you should have few parties, invite your friends and ask them to bring along or invite some of their unattached male friends.

Work is generally an easy place to become acquainted with eligible men, but there are any number of risks involved - such as those that are already married. The important thing is to make your self available - know what kind of man you want - and then do what is necessary to meet him.

Gregory WadelBerri Blog8145
Cammi Blog19425

MLM Training - When to Develop Multiple Streams of Income

I've made millions in network marketing, I've made millions through investments, and I've also lost a lot of money too. Profit from my mistakes and learn how to best invest the money you make in your MLM business.

Network Marketing professionals often ask me how to manage the profits earned from their MLM income.

Can you make more money by diversifying into investments such as stocks, bonds, real estate, etc., and have your money working for you in other areas besides an MLM business? Or would you make more money by really focusing and investing your money back into your MLM business?

There are three items to think about when answering this question for yourself.

A. What else would you do with your time?

B. What else would you do with your money?

C. What else would you do with your attention (definition: the ability or power to concentrate mentally)?

Every investment (stocks, bonds, real estate, your sister's business) requires that you learn about it. And just the learning costs time and attention. And it is the using up of your attention that rarely gets factored into the "diversify your money" advice.

Probably what's most important here is, the greatest amount of money you will ever lose, is that amount you will never make because of misuse of A, B, and C from above.

I was listening to a radio talk show about 10 years ago and the advice given was to "Select the top three stock market sectors based on trends. Put one-third of your investment capital in each. Wait 10 years and you should be wealthy off your passive investments." I was making about 50 thousand dollars a month above my expenses - so I thought, "Why not?"

I chose the following sectors: Health Care, Technology, and Telecommunications. After losing about half of my money I changed to three different sectors. I looked at my portfolio today and I have lost another $11,848.78.

Don't get me wrong; there have been times I've made over $50,000 dollars in the stock market in a day. Fun! And there have been times I've lost $150,000 dollars in a day. Not fun.

In addition to that, I've spent an enormous amount of time on my "passive" investments. Many hours (per week) have gone into "pondering" (wasting item C from above) what the stock market is going to do next. Reading newsletters, magazines, newspapers, watching the stock market news and commentaries on TV. And still my return has been negative.

The only thing that has remained very stable and predictable is my network marketing income. Had I taken the same amount of money, roughly $500,000 and invested it into promoting my MLM home-based business would I have had a greater return? Yes.

So what about the "Rich Dad Poor Dad" philosophy of "Buy assets that produce more income?" Or the more common way it's stated, "Create multiple streams of income?"

As you may know, I created a prospecting tool based on that philosophy where I explain to prospects how wealth is created by investing in assets. ( So I'm very close to this subject.

However, if you listen closely to the way I stated it in the online movie, I say, "So what are assets? Well the most obvious ones are: stocks, bonds, real estate..." Then I say, " and businesses." And to that I'm referring to educating yourself about businesses. Whether that be your MLM home-based business or your pinball machine business.

Two common mistakes in making decisions on A, B,and C from above are:

1. Making decisions based on now vs. decisions based on future. Of course you need to pay your bills now. They're screaming at you! But keep in mind what I talk about in Brilliant Compensation - it's not faster (in the long run) to tie your young son's shoes than teaching him how to do it himself. If you tie his shoes for him you silence the screaming urgency, but you're still stuck with the job UNTIL you teach him to tie his own shoes. When you make financial decisions make sure you're looking at the long-term. Residual income that can be generated from an MLM business is sweet.

2. Making decisions based on "could you" instead of what you "will you" do with your time, money or attention. Example: A guy determines that it's a poor use of his time and attention to mow his own yard, so he hires the boy down the street to cut his grass. Now, what does he do with that extra time (A), and the extra attention (B)? He watches TV. Bad choice. When he was making the decision to hire the lawn boy he thought, "It's a waste of my time to mow the grass when I could be doing more important things like building my MLM business." Make sure when you free up any of the three resources you use them wisely.

Summary: My personal opinion is invest your time, money and attention into KNOWING your MLM home-based business and getting really good and profitable at it. Find and study MLM training that is proven and effective, and master it.

Continually reinvest your profits back into your network marketing business by promoting it more, that's where the high return is. When you have a surplus of income, buy a secure investment like Treasury Bills until you're ready to learn another business FULLY. By business I'm including all investment activities as well. Then focus your time, money and attention (from the surplus only) on knowing THAT business.

From my experience, diversifying my money has done nothing more than dissipated my focus, which has in turn lost a lot of money, time, and attention.

Tim Sales helps network marketers gain the confidence and skills to be an MLM success. Discover what you must know to become a true network marketing professional. Sign up for his free MLM training newsletter and listen to free training at Blog62888
Anabel Blog66989

Toli Cefail on the Deadly Sins Of Marketing

"It may come as a surprise that the seven deadly sins - Vanity, Anger, Envy, Lust, Greed, Sloth, and Gluttony - can also be could be applied to marketing," says Toli Cefail, Chief Operating Office of In Touch Media Group, Inc. (, a full-service marketing company that specializes in using the Internet as a key public relations and advertising tool. "In fact, learning how these sins can negatively affect your marketing can pave the road to greater success."

Cefail has also uncovered an eighth deadly marketing sin, though she's keeping a tight lid on it for the time being. "It's as big a sin as the other seven, but I'm saving this one for last," she says. Cefail plans to reveal each of the "Eight Deadly Sins of Marketing" over the next few weeks, in the knowledge that awareness is the first step in preventing businesspeople from undermining their marketing efforts and their companies.

"The first deadly marketing sin is vanity," continues Cefail. "It's the most subtle of the seven deadly sins, but it's particularly dangerous when you're marketing a product or service."

Cefail cites the vanity ad as the primary example of this marketing no-no. "These are TV commercials, or print or other ads that are created primarily to appeal to the egos of the company owners," she says. "These ads have nothing to do with the consumer. They're not designed to appeal to any target market or to sell the product."

For instance, because the owner of a company likes Harley Davidson motorcycles, the company's advertising agency creates an advertisement that prominently features motorcycles. They place the ad despite the fact that the company sells cosmetics.

"The executives and ad agency folks sit around the conference table, smiling and clapping," says Cefail. "It's a hit! With whom? With the corporate execs. After all, that's who pays the bills, right?" she asks, quizzically. "Wrong!" she says emphatically. "The customer pays the bills. And if your ad doesn't sell them, they won't pay."

Cefail concludes, "So stay away from vanity ads and vanity campaigns. Instead, stick to what will appeal to your customers."

Kris Nickerson is the Editor-in-Chief of Press Direct International (, a global information website that provides reliable information tailored to professionals in financial, media, and corporate markets. His thorough knowledge of industries ranging from health care and travel to real estate and financial investing enables him to quickly grasp the nuances of emerging markets and technologies.Casie Blog49832
Alena Blog78898

7 Tips For Posting In Forums

On a kick about car seats this past month, Ive frequented forums discussing car seats, safety factors, and children. Ive learned a lot of valuable information, was able to voice my opinion on our newly acquired car seat, and discovered a disturbing truthnot all marketing is good marketing.

Upon reading several threads this past week, I ran across a few posts that sounded like blatant advertisements, but chucked my thoughts on the subject because when I am gung-ho about a product, I, too, can sound like a blatant advertisement. Yet, regulars on the boards were not impressed and some even lowered their views of a product when they felt they were being pitched by the companywhich had me questioning what we, as small business owners sound like when we hit the Internet to promote our products, services, speaking engagements, and conferences.

When you set out to announce your business to the world, do youin your enthusiasmsound like a spammer? Do you only post to promote your product or services? Do you only post when you can directly influence the readers view on your product or service? Do you only post so you can sell your product or service? Or do you post to offer valuable insight, resources, and views?

When posting to forums, follow these simple tips to achieve true word-of-mouth advertisingall of which I am learning by trial and error, myself:

1. Only post when you have something of value to shareeven if it has nothing to do with your services or your products.

2. Dont be afraid to be realeven if it means you dont look as successful or professional as youd like. If you dont know something and want more information, askeven if its your field of study.

3. Always stay professional. In other words, be real, be truthful, and be sincere, but dont air your dirty laundry. While people like to see the human side of successful people, they dont want to read about your day-to-day struggles, marital problems, friendship problems, co-worker problems, family problems or financial problemsunless youve already reached the other side and are teaching instead of venting.

4. Always remain tactful. In other words, dont start fights on boards just because you have a different point-of-view, dont call someone else names because theyve insulted you or rubbed you the wrong way, dont prejudge, dont harass, and definitely dont talk poorly about someone because it could come back to bite you in the rear.

5. If someone misunderstands your question or comment, dont hesitate to offer clarity. Theres no need to go back and delete your original post. People like to see the human side of highly successful peopleit makes life more real and interesting. And besides, the only way we learn is by being teachable.

6. Dont be afraid to mention your product or service in relevant posts. Just remember to do it gracefully. In other words, if your book has a section that could answer the posters question better, summarize the chapter in a few short paragraphs, then mention that a more detailed take on the subject can be found in your book, TITLE. If your product is the answer to the posters dilemma, tell him/her why with real facts and scenarios, then mention the name of the product and where it can be found.

7. Dont mention your product or service if there is no reason to do so. In other words, if the post doesnt warrant you mentioning your product or service, dont try to stretch the posters view to fit your need to market. Leave a blurb in your tagline, instead. (Provided the forum allows such taglines.)

Alyice Edrich is the editor of The Dabbling Mum, a free parenting publication, and the author of several work from home e-books designed to help parents earn extra cash while spending more time with their children. To learn more, visit her at Alyssa Blog59209
Berna Blog42751

Helpful Information on the New Canon ipf9000 Printer

The Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000 is Canon's launch into the 60" wide format printer market segment. The Canon ipf9000 serves to fill a needed void in the marketplace for a high quality, production-friendly wide format inkjet printer that is larger than 44" and still affordable. The release of the Canon ipf9000 60" printer and Canon ipf8000 44" printer began a direct attack on the already well established Epson printer market.

One of the major criticisms on Epson to date has been their reluctance, whether through choice or contractual boundary, to release an inkjet printer wider than 44". The market has been demanding such a printer for some time since the only models available were from lower quality brands such as Roland, which were slow and used old ink sets. Canon's decision to release the Canon ipf9000 immediately expressed their determination to fulfill this void in the race to establish a base of users. The release of the Canon ipf9000 should have happened years ago. Unfortunately for Canon, word on the street is that Epson is due to release a 64" wide format inkjet printer some time in July 2007 that is expected to seduce the market into forgetting that the Canon ipf9000 ever existed in the first place. We will have to wait and see.

Until then, we should analyze the Canon ipf9000 and its unique features because some very notable advancements have been made. In this article we will analyze the different features and advantages of the Canon ipf9000.

Canon iPF9000 Photo

Further Information - Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000

Exceptional 60" production has arrived. Enjoy borderless reproduction and jaw-dropping print quality with Canon's flagship iPF9000. Featuring a new 12-colour pigment ink system, it guarantees the productivity to beat the toughest schedules.

12-Color Pigment Ink System - New LUCIA inks expand the range of color reproduction by providing a wide color gamut.

Automatic Switching Between Black Inks - utilizes automatic switching between Regular Black and Matte Black Ink, helping to eliminate wasted ink and time of swapping out ink tanks.

New Print Head System - dual print head system with a total of 30,720 nozzles.

Efficiency & Speed - The Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000 built-in 40 GB HDD processes jobs fast, and maintains productivity and enables easy unmanned printing.

Borderless Printing - 4-sided edge to edge printing, only with roll media.

Non-firing Detection and Compensation Function - when clogged or non-firing nozzles are detected; print head cleaning cycle is automatically executed. If the nozzle remains obstructed, the Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000 will automatically compensate by rerouting the ink to functioning nozzles.

Superior image quality using the Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000

The iPF9000 incorporates Canon's new 12 ink full colour pigment ink system. A new one-inch dual print head gives jaw-dropping reproduction of 2400 x 1200 dpi, a 4 Pl droplet size and a total of 30,720 nozzles. Additional RGB colours ensure a wider colour gamut; grey and photo grey ensure better gradation, reduced granularity and high colour accuracy and consistency; whilst pigment ink ensures output is light fast.

Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000 delivers outstanding production for print-for-pay and print bureaus

Eye-catching print quality makes the iPF9000 perfect for professional performance:60" printing with precise colour calibration produces posters and signs that turn heads.Fine art productions never looked better with exceptional colour stability.Photographic works come to life thanks to an ultra-glossy feel and no graininess.Superb pigment ink colour reproduction makes for perfect longer lasting and stable proofs with less graininess than conventional pigment ink devices.

The Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000 gives Flexible media handling

You can work with a wide variety of media types. Plain paper, CAD, recycled, glossy, proofing, synthetic, poster, fine art, sign media they're all handled effortlessly with the iPF9000.

The Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000 is always productive

Connection is either via the latest-generation, high-speed USB 2.0 interface, or Ethernet. Combined with the dual-head pigment ink system, you can expect superb production at twice the level of some competitor devices.

The integrated cutting device won't let you down either and keeps on performing for years to come, without ever needing replacement.

The Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000 is easy-to-use, yet powerful

A large LCD panel aids operation and a rich set of software application plug-ins are incorporated. The Canon developed Poster template tool - PosterArtist, enables you to produce head-turning posters - with no experience whatsoever! It will even make professionals more productive.

To aid productivity further, we have 2 sizes of ink tanks (330ml or 700ml) and you can even replace the ink tanks whilst printing so that print deadlines aren't affected. If you are not interested in a 60" wide printer, you should definitely look into the Canon imagePROGRAF iPF8000 which is a 44-inch wide format inkjet printer and is much less expensive.

For more information on the Canon ipf9000 click here -

For information, articles, and reviews on the Canon ipf8000 click here -

Nick Friend, President of Breathing Color, Inc., is a principle-centered entrepreneur who has many years of experience in developing and executing innovative sales and marketing strategies as well as building, training, and leading national and international sales forces. His ability to recognize market opportunities, build successful business models, and lead organizations has been demonstrated with multiple business ventures including Schematics Productions, Inc., a niche focused mens apparel company that was acquired by a large manufacturing company and is still in operation today. His diverse experience also extends to bringing related digital imaging products to market, including digital art papers for the professional art and photography markets. Here, Mr. Friend regularly contributes articles and expertise to key industry publications. Mr. Friend is also an accomplished musician whose past fifteen years have been spent writing music and performing live in locations all over the United States. He is an honored graduate of the University of Southern California, having studied at the well-renowned Marshall School of Business with emphasis in corporate and investment finance.Becki Blog98181
Alfreda Blog64530

Debt Management - Budgeting and Financial Controls


The most fundamental basic of debt (or money) management is to be in control. To know about every penny that comes in and where every penny goes. Ideally, when you open those envelopes that arrive on the door mat every day there should be no surprises.

If you are in debt and/or having financial difficulties, you need to bring yourself around to a situation where your income exceeds your expenditure - you need to establish a budget and stick to it.

Budgeting and sticking to it are two separate things. In this article I am going to cover setting the budget only, sticking to the budget will follow in a subsequent article.

Before carrying on it is worth noting that the principles outlined below are good for not only reducing debt, but also growing personal wealth overall - effectively an investment for the future.

Establishing Costs and Income

The first thing to do is to recognise that all spending is not equal: that some monthly expenditure is more important than others. For example, not paying your council tax for a few months could land you in jail.

The next thing to recognise is that some outgoings are fixed and others are flexible. With this knowledge you can begin to tackle your flexible monthly expenditure intelligently and make progressive steps to reduce outgoings both immediately and over time.

Additionally, you also need to recognise that even fixed expenditure may be reduced with the right approach.

The next thing to do is to list everything you spend money on over the course of the year.

I have put together a budget planning sheet for the purpose of helping you do this. You can download it by clicking on this budget planning sheet link, or going to and clicking on budget sheet on the right hand menu, or using this link:

You will see that the sheet is split into specific sections to provide some guidance on how to breakdown the list. The sheet is also split into columns for yearly, monthly and weekly expenditure so that it is easier to group all like expenditure together even if you pay for it in different ways.

The most critical items are towards the top of the list, i.e.:
housing costs;

- rates and utilities;

- important household services;

- personal insurances.

With the critical items, the consequences of non payment can either be very high and/or occur very quickly, e.g. loss of house, loss of electric, water or gas supplies, imprisonment etc. It therefore makes sense to attend to these bills first.

The next part of the list is critical in terms of day to day living, but much more discretionary, i.e.:

- motoring expenses;

- food and housekeeping;

- miscellaneous goods and services;

- personal and leisure;

- sundries and emergencies.

This group includes some very fundamental items such as food; however, how food is purchased can have a massive impact on monthly expenses. For example, living on takeaways is obviously much more expensive than shopping carefully in the local price leading supermarket.

While detailing the first section is usually fairly clear cut (just check past bills), this section is fraught with difficulty as most of it can be cash or lumped spending. That is, a figure of 150 charged to a card from the local supermarket says nothing about what was purchased on the final bill - who knows, it might have been 150 of beer and crisps - it can be difficult to recall everything.

If it is just you in the household you have the relatively simple task of being honest with yourself about this sort of expenditure so that you can recognise how much is really being spent on what. If you have a partner, or live in a family group, it can be much tougher. The key word is of course honest. You will have to draw out the truth about what is really being spent and who is doing it. If it is the two of you, you may have to recognise there is a key culprit, or that you are both as bad as each other.

In any event this section is a land of opportunity as far cost reduction is concerned so spend time on it, get out past bank and card statements and go through them line by line. If necessary walk through a typical week, or have everyone involved keep an expenditure diary so that everything is exposed.

The third section in the budget sheet is entitled 'credit card and other debt': in other words unsecured debt. Unsecured this may be, but non payment still has consequences in terms of your credit worthiness and other debt collection measures - including the use of county court judgements and even bailiffs. The only difference between this debt and many of the more critical fixed costs outlined above is the time it takes for the consequences to bite.

If you are having financial difficulties then the figures that should go in this section are minimum payments only. You will need to stop using all cards until the situation is resolved.

The last section on the budget sheet is for income. That is, income after tax - employable cash.

Make sure all income is included. So, if you do have shares that earn dividends, or bank accounts that earn interest, then these figures need to be included as well as any salary income from yourself, your partner or anyone else in the household that may contribute to the monthly bills.

With all costs and income identified, we are now in a position to look at the overall picture and start developing a plan that will ultimately become our budget.

With everything in place, there can only be three scenarios:

1 - Income exceeds outgoings

2 - Outgoings equal income

3 - Outgoings exceed income

If income is greater than outgoings then you can continue comfortably. Cost reduction, budgeting and careful saving will pay dividends in terms of loan reduction, early mortgage repayment, or even building up savings and personal wealth.

If income equals outgoings, then the situation is a borderline one and action to reduce costs will need to be taken. However, it is unlikely that savings cannot be made and there is a strong likelihood you have caught things on time and can turn it around.

If outgoings exceed income, then this exercise has not come a minute too soon and it is now time to grab the bull by the horns and turn the situation around.

Planning the Budget

In the previous exercise, we have identified all costs and all income and now have a clear picture of the current situation. Using this information, the budget we set will, in effect, be an overview of how we live our lives from this point on. There will be certain rules that we have to stick with, but we will know that sticking to the rules will allow us to achieve our future financial goals.

The next part of the process is a little more painful and certainly more laborious than the last, but nevertheless must be done.

Begin with the easy stuff first. This is the middle section on the budget sheet, i.e.:

- motoring expenses;

- food and housekeeping;

- miscellaneous goods and services;

- personal and leisure;

- sundries and emergencies.

There will be lots of low hanging fruit here (easy savings to be made).

For example, let's say your daily expenditure diary reveals that on your commute to work you buy a newspaper at the railway station and a coffee while you wait for the train. You buy lunch at the deli around the corner, but go to the local pub for a sit down lunch and a drink on a Friday. You have a drink with colleagues after work on average 2 nights a week and buy an evening paper to read on the train on the way back from work. This is what this expenditure looks like over the week:

Morning coffee: 1.50 x 5 = 7.50

Morning paper: 0.60 x 5 = 3.00

Lunch at the deli 2.50 x 4 = 10.00

Bar lunch: 7.50 x 1 = 7.50

After work drinks: 2.80 x 2 = 5.60

Evening paper: 0.50 x 5 = 2.50

Weekly total: 7.50 + 3 + 10 + 7.50 + 5.60 + 2.50 = 36.10

Look at this again. Every single item is discretionary, yet it will cost you 144.40 in a 4 week month.

You may not be able to give everything up on the list, but taking a flask of coffee to work with a packed lunch may be a start. Many newspapers now offer yearly subscriptions that will cut the weekly bill by more than half - if you still need to have a newspaper every morning and every evening (do you?). The pub lunch could be dropped and the drinks with the colleagues after work cut back to one drink one evening a week - still sociable enough for most people.

In this example we might get back something like 130 per month. If there are two of you doing it, it might be more like 260 per month.

You need to do this type of breakdown and cost reduction exercise on each line item. Drop things like takeaways to a once a month treat and (if you do not already) learn to cook and cut out ready meals and other prepared food. You will not only save money, you will find you start living healthier too.

Examine closely how you do your motoring. Could you mange with one car instead of two? Could you get rid of the gas guzzling 4 x 4, which would reduce insurance, maintenance, road tax and fuel bills - all at once? Take a look at a company like Cash Drive ( to see if you could buy a smaller car at a sensible rate.

Hopefully you are getting the idea by now.

Once the individual figures have been reviewed and cost reductions identified, you can put the new figures into the budget sheet and we can now start to see the new budget taking shape.

Next we can look at the first section. That is:

-housing costs;

-rates and utilities;

-important household services;

-personal insurances.

These are largely fixed costs, but there are opportunities here too. Housing costs such as rent or mortgages can be reduced. Mortgage deals can be switched to take advantage of new lender deals, or fixed rate schemes taken on if interest rates look like rising in the near future. The term of the loan can be extended or (if things are really tight) payments dropped to interest only for a while. You need to ask the question.

If you are renting, could you manage with a smaller property, or a one in a less fashionable area? Could you move closer to work at the same time and reduce daily travelling costs?

Take a look at what seems to be fixed costs such as personal, or household, insurances and compare rates and benefits. Deals in this area change literally every week.

Gas and electric costs can be reduced by switching supplier or, better still, turning down the heating and switching off lights and appliances when they are not being used. Focus on this for a while and you might be pleasantly surprised at the difference it will make.

And so on.

The last cost section is the credit card and unsecured debt one. Much like insurances this may be a more flexible area than you think.

If your credit rating is good then you have lots of room here to take on new cards and deals with 0% interest rates. Make sure when you do this that you close down the accounts you are transferring from. That is, you do not increase your overall indebtedness, or availability of debt.

If your credit rating is already poor, or bad, this may not be an option for you, so you will have to find other ways to reduce your repayments. One thing that creditors like to see is that their debtors are in control of the situation. A well put together budget sheet like the one we are in the process of outlining here can be a huge help.

Using the budget sheet you can identify all income and expenditure that needs to be made before handling your unsecured debt. This will leave you a set amount that can be used to negotiate reduced payments to your creditors.

This is a separate subject in its own right, but showing you are in control of your own finances may allow you to negotiate a reduced payment plan with the companies concerned.

Any other thing you can do in this area to consolidate debt and reduce overall interest payments needs to be examined closely.

However, you need to resist the temptation to make any loan consolidations that involve using your property for security. There is probably another way, so explore the other ways first.

The last section is income. You may have been tough with yourself in the cost section, but the other dimension to the budget is of course income. The more you increase your income, the less you need to cut back (or the bigger the benefit if you do).

Whilst writing 'increase your income' is very easy for me to do, in reality it is much harder to do. However, there may be opportunities you had not considered which may be worth exploring such as overtime, weekend shifts, unsociable shifts, additional responsibilities that could be taken on, or even a second job. Switching jobs could also be an option as could be starting a completely new career.

In other words increasing income is not always about getting further up the greasy pole, sometimes it is about taking a sideways move into any area you had not considered before.

One last point on income: while you have the budget sheet in front of you it is worth evaluating the cost of work. In other words, when you add up travel, parking, fuel, dry cleaning, child care, work wear etc then subtract it from your income - that will give you a true figure of what you earn.

Finalising the Budget

The above represents a substantial investment in time and effort. The end result will be a budget sheet which is accurate, personally optimised and which puts you in control of your own finances.

Having made this effort, you should now have identified specific allowances for each item and you now need to be sure that money is allocated each month to cover those items whether they occur weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.

It is unlikely that you will be able to reduce all of your costs, move house, change jobs, etc, all at once, so you may have recognised already that this budgeting exercise can be a progressive thing that happens over time.

Therefore, to begin with, you will need to ensure that costs are under control and, as a minimum, outgoings equal income. Over time you will look for cost savings and income increasing opportunities and, once taken advantage of, you can then revisit the budget sheet, put in the new figures and move on.

One completely free benefit to all of this is that, once it is all complete and you are sticking to it, you get a full night's sleep whenever you want.


Sticking to the budget

Keith Wallis is a freelance writer on the subjects of debt and personal finance.Alice Blog54075
Alexandra Blog25306

Parenting Success Today In A Complex World

Parenting success in rearing children or being a parent is the most neglected area of training in the whole wide world. If you have a child or going to have one, it will be your task to rear, teach and lead that child for about twenty years. So, rearing a child is most definitely a career for all parents, apart from the professional career path you have to follow for financial survival. If you have more than one child, you may need to be in the career of being a parent, for a period of 30 or 40 years, depending on how far apart your children are borne. The question is: how can you achieve parenting success as a parent?

Rearing children is the most common and universal career on mother earth for most human beings. It is the occupation with the highest membership and yet there is virtually no training available on parenting success, how to be a good parent or how to improve parenting abilities. Have you ever heard of a College or University running such a course? Have you ever heard of any other Institution running such a course? Yes they are there, but very few.

Being a parent simply means you have two careers, one of being a parent and one of being the provider of life amenities.

With little help and information on parenting success or how to be a better parent, you are being left out in the cold by the whole world to figure it out for yourself. Can this be true?

It is fairly common knowledge what must be done to provide in the physical and physiological needs of children like food, medicine, clothing, shelter, toys and schooling. However, when it comes to the intellectual and mental development of a child, things become blurry and not so clear-cut any longer and this is where available training leaves a huge deficiency gap in the society of mankind. Every parent is in high need of training in the intellectual development or intellectual upbringing of their children, in a world where there is little of such training available. We can aptly name it training in Parenting Success or Parenthood Leadership.

Possible subjects to touch on in such career training in Parenting Success or Parenthood Leadership could be:

Parenting success in helping your child with disciplined love in basic hygiene matters.

Parenting success in helping your child with to move, walk and co-ordinate muscles and body limbs.

Parenting success in helping your child improve reading, writing and counting abilities.

Parenting success in helping your child to understand religion of the world.

Parenting success in helping your child understand the civilised values of this world.

Parenting success in helping your child develop cognitive thinking abilities.

Parenting success in helping your child develop ethical values.

Parenting success in helping your child understanding human health and fitness matters.

Parenting success in helping your child explore possible lurking, latent talents.

Parenting success in helping your child develop special talents and interests.

Parenting success in helping your child to build up confidence and self-worth in thinking processes.

Parenting success in helping your child understand the political systems we live with.

Parenting success in helping your child understand the financial and competitive economic environments we live in.

Parenting success in helping your child develop creativity and dedication simultaneously.

Parenting success in helping your child to understand what it takes to be successful in life.

Research on the internet about available parenting advice and information for parents on parenting success or how to successfully rear and treat babies, children, pre-teens and adolescent teenagers, has revealed a wide and extensive database of articles and products on the subjects of successful child development, successful child rearing and successful parental influence.

One can find informative literature on most topics dealing with the problems associated with the normal developmental stages of childhood, including treatment of child health disorders.

Most parents are fit and equipped to deal with child health related matters such as child nutrition and child illnesses, due to the abundant availability of facilities and information on these subjects from hereditary word of mouth contacts, clinics, health centres, the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession. Here parenting success is easy.

Child cognitive, intellectual and psychological development can be a culmination of genes, circumstances, environment and parental influence, of which parental influence is the most dominant and critical factor to impact on child development and behaviour. With the right knowledge, parental influence can also be the easiest to apply for the beneficial development of cognitive, intellectual and psychological processes in children. Parenting success here can become easy with the right knowledge.

Most parents are not equipped to use parental influence in the best positive way. The reason behind this is simply because they marry young, have children and are then caught up in the everyday chores of child rearing and financial survival, deterring them from finding time to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge, to impact positively on child cognitive, intellectual and psychological development. Therefore child development is mostly a result of accidental development by prevailing haphazard circumstances and child inner-self choices.

Child development is not a sole responsibility of schools and teachers. Children are far more influenced by parents than by teachers. Parental influence is the single most important factor in the development of children, especially so in the early stages of development.

Most parents, after years of parenting, when their children have already reached adulthood, when reflecting back in time, say they wish they could do it over again. If they could do it over again, they think they could do a better job of parenting, with all the knowledge, experience and wisdom they have accumulated over the years. If they could only possess the knowledge earlier, when their children needed it the most, their children could also have ended up being stronger and better persons.

Information for parents are now more readily available, thanks to the internet. The information covering all the stages of child development, from birth to adulthood, are however, widely spread out in different pockets on different web sites all over the internet and cannot be accessed without extensive research and cost. Leaders Circle Family Web Club has therefore bridged the gap by bundling products together, to cover all the stages of successful child development, successful child rearing and successful parental influence, in one place. We have also created a Free Parenting Business Franchise for Schools and energetic Entrepreneurs in the form of a combined online/offline business opportunity.

My wife and I have gone through the parenting cycle ourselves. We know how difficult it can be and we know what we are talking about. We have four of them, all now happily married with their own offspring. We had to pay for four car write-offs, caused by our two sons and two big wedding functions for our daughters, all in a short period of eighteen months. But boy oh boy, if we could just have had this helpful information and bag of knowledge in our younger days!!

The best of success with rearing your child.

Pierre du Plessis (MBL, 1982, UNISA) is owner of Leaders Circle, with web site, catering for various niche related products and packages and author of several e-books. This article can be used for re-publishing as long as it remains unchanged.Aleece Blog61723
Adrea Blog59043

Window Locks Close a Window of Opportunity for the Burglar

Window glass, like any other glass, can be smashed of course. But if you were a burglar would you want to break in to a home by breaking the window?

Likely you would not want to do that. Breaking glass makes noise, very distinctive noise that is likely to attract a lot of unwelcome attention. And then there is the risk of cutting yourself, if you were a burglar you would not want to cut yourself and lay yourself open to being identified by your DNA.

Although intruders do break windows, they prefer to climb in through an open window. Often the burglar does not even have to open the window himself because a surprisingly high number of us leave our homes with a window conveniently open, a real gift for a burglar.

Where windows are closed and locked it is often with very flimsy and poor quality locks. In fact many older windows are fitted with latches not locks, and these present no problem at all to the burglar.

Even good quality window locks are not expensive. It will not break the bank to have the extra peace of mind knowing that good window locks protect your windows.

Some types of window lock do not lock with a key but are secured by a thumb turn. These do a good job in preventing your windows from being opened from the outside unless, of course, the burglar takes that risk in breaking the glass. He can then reach in and operate the lock. By opening the window he lessens his chance of cutting himself when he climbs in.

Window locks that lock with a key are the best way to secure your windows, but the key must always be kept somewhere close to hand and all members of your family must know exactly where it is kept. You do not want any member of your family trapped in a blazing room to be hunting for the key. In fact if the window is a designated escape route you may be prevented by your local building code from fitting key operated window locks.

Another advantage of locks for upper story windows is that they prevent children from opening windows and falling out.

Quality window locks that are visible from outside offer the advantage that the burglar can see what he is up against. If he can see that the locks may thwart him, or give him a good deal of difficulty, he may just decide to leave your home alone and look elsewhere.

It may be necessary to fit more than one window lock to each window depending on the size. The larger the window the more the strain the lock will have to resist if the window is forced. Do not neglect small windows. Intruders can get in through incredibly small windows and some in fact use child accomplices to climb in for them.

Don't be tempted to forget about your upper story windows because the burglar won't, forget about them that is. Burglars do use ladders, often obtained from neighbors gardens, to get in through upper windows, so be sure, fit window locks.

Close that window of opportunity for the burglar, fit good window locks all round and likely the burglar will go elsewhere.

Martin Underwood writes about all aspects of home security. He is a regular contributor to The site that presents reviews and information about the best in home security, personal security and vehicle security.Alina Blog33782
Alisha Blog535

SAT Test Day: The Night Before and Morning Of

My students often ask me for last minute advice on what to do the night before the exam and the morning of the exam. Heres what I tell them:

After dinner, collect the things youll need on test day:

1) Your SAT Admission Ticket
2) Your Student ID or Drivers License
3) Several #2 Pencils (with good erasers!)
4) Calculator
5) Watch or other timepiece
6) A good snack! (the test is very long; you will need a snack)

You may also want to decide what clothes youre going to wear on test day. Remember to dress in layers, because you cant control the temperature. The SAT test room will most likely be either warmer or too colder than you would prefer.

After you have collected your things, be sure to relax! Watch a movie, talk to a friend on the phone, or go out for a walk. Do something to take your mind off the test.

Heres my advice on bedtime: if youre in the habit of going to bed around 11 oclock, dont go to bed at 8 oclock the night before the SAT test. If youre anything like me, youre going to wind up starring at the ceiling for hours feeling frustrated. Rather, you should aim to go to bed about 1 hour before you normally would on a school night. Also, remember to set you alarm early enough so that you comfortably have time to get ready for the exam. You dont want to create a time pressure situation for yourself. Theres going to be enough pressure during the actual SAT exam.

The Final Step:

In the morning, you should remember to Check Your Brain!

After breakfast, take out a test prep book and do the first two questions of each of the three sections. After a few easy math, writing, and sentence completion problems, youll realize your brain is still working and everything is going to be OK. Dont check the answers.just do the problems. I dont think the first problems you do on test day should be the real ones on the SAT exam.

Hopefully this advice will help you maximize your SAT test score. Good luck, and remember to stay positive!

Karl SchellscheidtCarmon Blog8362
Ailina Blog12546

A Review of Law Enforcement Training

My son is a senior student in High school now. We had filled some financial assistance forms because we want to make sure he will be able to have secondary education. Though, my son has not decided yet what collage he wanted to attend or what subject to choose. Thus, I got really surprised one day when my son came from school and declared he wanted to start law enforcement training. His best friend's father was a police officer and my son has been secretly interested in this job for years.

Unfortunately I didn't know anything about law enforcement training so I needed to get more information about it. This is why I invited my son's friend and his parents for dinner. That way we could talk with the police officer and find out where is the best place to get law enforcement training. It was interesting to learn there are so many specialty areas to look into. The father of my sons best friend had started with an eighteen month course of law enforcement training in a college. After his course the only job he could get with that qualification was as a patrol officer.

From the law enforcement training he completed he had learnt the basic techniques of being a police officer including weapons training. However, to become a detective a more advanced training was required - a four year college degree. He took a part time job as a patrol officer and started a four year criminal justice program at the university which would enable him to get better jobs once he graduated. He also added that in the past police officers could go with the eighteen month course of law enforcement training but as nowadays the crimes are more complex it is recommended that all officers have a four year degree in addition to the law enforcement training.

My son was listening to his best friend's father very carefully and remembered the information he gave us. My son also conducted further research. First of all, he needed to decide if he would start the law enforcement training immediately and then take the college courses, or the opposite - first college then the law enforcement training. He set up a meeting with he local sheriff to discuss this.

The sheriff advised him to take the basic law enforcement training first because with it he could work part time while being at college. He could have flexible shifts as police officers are needed 24 hours a day seven days a week, so he wouldn't need to cut classes because of work. Another reason why it is better to start with the law enforcement training is because after you complete it and start working and studying same time you will have work experience which will help you decide what area you want to concentrate on.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning law. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog49839
Carla Blog52421

Attention Shoppers - Retail Stores Are Destroying Our Credit Scores

Imagine this...

You walk into a department store to purchase something you need. Then the friendly young person at the cash register says, "You can save 20% off your purchases today if you apply for our store credit card right now."

Save 20%? Wow! Sounds like a great deal, doesn't it? But let's take a look at what really happens to your credit when you give in to that temptation.

How Department Store Credit Cards Work

First of all, you have to remember that the young clerk, who barely looks old enough to drive, doesn't understand how the system works. They just focus on how many applications they can "sell" during the holiday season. Clerks who sign up the most people get some kind of bonus in returnusually cash or company merchandise.

Let's assume you agree and fill out a credit application. The clerk presses a few buttons and processes it on the spot. (Guess how? Yup, by quickly making a decision based on how high one of your FICO credit scores is.) This is called "instant credit." You see, retailers know that the best time to sell you something is while you're still in the store.

Whether or not you get approved, you have a credit inquiry from that store on your credit reports.

Your FICO Scores Can Plummet Up to 12 Points Per Inquiry

According to our research, each credit inquiry can lower a person's credit scores up to 12 points. And here's the kicker...EACH department store credit inquiry will affect your scores for 12 months. That's 1 year! 365 days! 8,760 hours!

Let me repeat that: EACH inquiry from any retail store will count against your credit scores. Sometimes you end up going to 8, 10, or 20 different stores. If you're applying for cards at all those stores, your scores are going to take a major dive.

Meanwhile, Back at the Department Store...

The young person behind the register suddenly announces (loudly, of course) that you were denied credit, gives you a receipt, and says, "Thank you, please shop with us again." You walk out of the store rejected. Not to mention embarrassedand you didn't even save any money because you have to actually qualify for the card to save the 20%. Punks.

What went wrong?

You weren't prepared.

I remember the fear that ran through me every time I filled out a department store credit application after my bankruptcy. I would actually wait until there was no one in line at the cashier! That way, if I got declined at least I wouldn't get too embarrassed.

In the Snyder household, we don't apply for this type of credit anymore. It was one of the reasons we filed bankruptcy 12 years ago. So we stay clear of department store credit. It's expensive credit (the interest rates usually hover around 23%) and it's too tempting and too easy to go into debt.

And the worst thing about department store credit is that the negative impact of the inquiries will last 12 any store credit card applications you fill out will haunt you for the next year. It can be a vicious cycle if you don't break it. You can do it...break the cycle.

There's very little a retail store credit card can do for you that your normal VISA or MasterCard can't. I should know...before I filed bankruptcy I was the king of buying on store credit! The more store credit I got, the more successful I felt. I don't do that anymore. Now I know better. And so should you.

Who you are isn't determined by how many credit cards you get approved for. Do you even need their credit card? Is saving 20% of $50 really worth the trouble? (Seriously, do the math...10 bucks is all you would save.) Remember, whether you get approved or declined, your credit scores are going to take a hit. And when you're recovering from bankruptcy with credit scores that are already low, every point counts.

The Best Way to Apply for a Department Store Credit Card

But let's assume you're smarter and more responsible than I was when I was younger, and that you've never had a problem with spending more than you can afford (after all, we don't all go bankrupt because of overspending). Here's how to properly master this process.

1. Find out what their credit guidelines are. Specifically, you want to know what credit reporting agency they use to make a lending decision and what minimum FICO credit score is required to get approved. Don't bother asking the young people at the checkout registerthey won't have a clue. Your best bet is to call someone in the store's credit department.

2. Know all three of your FICO credit scores. You can purchase them through This way, if the credit card issuer tells you their credit guidelines, you'll know whether you'll qualify or not.

3. If the credit card issuer cannot give you straight answers to the questions you're asking, then talk to another person within the department that will. If no one will tell you what you need, you're either not asking the right people, or you should take it as a sign you shouldn't be applying for that credit card.

By knowing the retailer's credit guidelines and your FICO credit scores you can apply for credit with confidence.

Last Words...

Of course, it's easy to get caught up in the joy of bringing a smile to someone's face when you think you're being a good parent or spouse by spending more than you can afford on credit. You must remember, the joy your children will get from a bunch of small gifts now will be multiplied by a hundred when you're financially stable enough to pay for their college education...or buy them their first car...or help them with a down payment on a new home. Plus, your financial responsibility will set a great example for your children.

The bottom line is: you need to think twice about the negative effect credit inquiries have on your ability to finance more important things such as mortgages, home equity loans, new cars...not to mention your insurance premiums could skyrocket!

Stephen Snyder is the founder and president of the After Bankruptcy Foundation (, a non-profit organization that provides free resources for helping people recover from bankruptcy (http://www.LifeAfterBankruptcy). Stephen is also an author, speaker and leading authority on bankruptcy recovery and credit scoring.Alice Blog7752
Annaliese Blog97520

Delete index.dat Files

What are Index.dat files?

Index.dat files are used by Internet Explorer and Windows to store history, Internet cache, cookies, UserData records and other information about what you have done in Internet or in your PC. Although some of their functions are useful, they are dangerous privacy threat - any person with even little knowledge about index.dat files locations and structure can see history of almost all of your computer activities. Index.dat files are not the only privacy threat but they are the most obscure and dangerous one because they are hard to find and even harder to delete. In fact, in most cases it is impossible to delete Index.dat files manually because Internet Explorer and Windows use them all the time.

Where are located Index.dat files?

Location of index.dat files depends on the version of Windows and whether or not you are using user profiles. Regardless of Windows version in many cases you can't see or find index.dat file using Windows Explorer. There is a little file called desktop.ini in each directory where index.dat file is located. This desktop.ini file forces Windows Explorer to hide index.dat files and to show the contents of Internet cache or history instead. However you can use some other file utility and binary (hex) editor to find the files and read their content. If you have Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows NT or Windows 95 then index.dat files are in these locations:

C:\Windows\History\MSHistXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\index.dat (XXXX are some digits)

What is in Index.dat files?

As already mentioned, index.dat files are binary files. Their content can be seen only with binary (hex) editor. We will examine an index.dat file from the Internet cache(Temporary Internet Files).

Actually the index.dat header is much larger but this is the most important part of it. The first thing is the version of the index.dat file (Client UrlCache MMF Ver 4.7) - this particular file is from Internet Explorer version 4 but the index.dat file format is very similar in Internet Explorer 5.x and 6.

How to erase or clean Index.dat files?

Erasing or cleaning of the index.dat files is not an easy task because they are opened by Internet Explorer and Windows all the time. If you are using Windows Me, Windows 98 or Windows 95 you can restart in DOS mode and then you can delete index.dat files one by one (look in the folders that are mentioned above). However if you are using Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT this won't work.

Mil Shield is a powerful privacy protection program that was designed specifically to clean and shred the index.dat files content. Unlike the other methods of dealing with index.dat file content, shredding is the best because it doesn't destroy the entire structure of the index.dat file which can cause Internet Explorer or Windows to crash but instead cleans and shreds only the privacy threatening URL, LEAK and REDR records.

Mil Incorporated was founded with an ambitious objective to be a trusted software partner for individuals and enterprises around the world. Mil Incorporated provides software security and privacy solutions that incorporate state of the art technology, security expertise, and substantial resources.Bridie Blog37429
Berty Blog7720

Save Space With Futons

Futon is a thin mattress stuffed with cotton batting or similar material and raised on a foldable frame. Futon also refers to a small couch that turns into a bed when it has been unfolded. Futon in Japanese means a mattress and are sold in Futon-Ya stores in Japan.

Traditional Japanese Futons

A Japanese futon set consists of Shikibuton, Kakebuton, Mofu and Makura. Shikibuton is a type of mattress, Kakebuton is a type of comforter, Mofu refers to a blanket and Makura is the pillow. The Japanese futon sets cost around $100.

Futons are created from individual woven straw mats of uniform size, bordered by plain cloth and packed with straw. In Japan futons are used on tatami floors. Japanese futons can be folded and are kept in closet during day time. This is done so that the tatami floor can breathe.

Futons act as a sofa during the day and can be converted into a sleeping bed at night. Basically the futon is used to save space. The futon sofa has cushions that are usually stuffed with cotton batting and can be found in a variety of colors, sizes and fabrics. Futons are used for sleeping and sitting and futons provide a good back support. In Japan futons are usually taken out in the sunlight and occasionally beaten with a stick to take out the dust.

Western Futons

Futons became available in the west in the early 70s. People became interested in futons because they were inexpensive and saved considerable space. In the beginning most of the futon sofa users were students, first time homeowners and apartment dwellers. After the 1970s futons became very popular in America. Today the futons come in luxuriant colors and fabrics, from rich brocades to lush tapestries.

The western futons are thicker and larger than the Japanese traditional futons. These futons resemble the conventional furniture which are filled with foam and batting in number of layers. In a reverse trend, western style futons have gained popularity in Japan because they are cheaper and more convenient than the traditional Japanese futon.

Western futons have strong frames and are usually made of strong dense wood which can withstand stress. There are three types of frames available in western style futons, bifold, trifold and loveseat.

Bifold can be folded in half and is the best for couches. It is also good for every day conversion from bed to couch. Trifold folds into three folds and they are provided for long futons. The loveseat futon is fairly popular and is very useful in small spaces. The loveseat frame comes into two parts couch and ottoman.

Keith George always writes about valuable news & reviews.Bellanca Blog91878
Catarina Blog67728

A Little Advice for Those Considering Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you are in a tough financial situation, you may be considering Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Before you move forward, consider several alternatives first. If your financial pressures are due to Credit Card or other debt, consider debt consolidation or working with a financial counselor. You may have already taken those steps and find no other options than bankruptcy.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy may help you in eliminated most kinds of unsecured debt. Examples of these debts are credit cards; personal loans, judgments, and medical bills.

Most of the time, you can keep your property. You must be current on your car and mortgage payment. In addition, the courts will assess the amount of equity you have in your current property. If you have significant equity, you may be asked to leverage your equity to pay your debts first. The goal with Chapter 7 is to eliminate your debt while keeping your personal belongings.

There are some key facts that you need to know before you commit to Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Here are a few answers to common questions for those filing for Chapter 7. Please read further.

Will creditors continue to harass me?

You will want to retain a Chapter 7 Attorney immediately. By working with a specialized attorney, they will immediately give you record number. When the creditors call, you can give them your record number and refer them to your attorney.

Will I lost everything if I file for Chapter 7?

Typically, you will retain all your personal belongings, including your house. A good Chapter 7 lawyer will insure that your personal effects are safe. Most often your car will be safe as well. Your attorney will leverage state bankruptcy exemptions to protect these items.

More often than not you will be more at risk in losing your personal property if you do not file for Chapter 7 to protect them. Make sure you file before you get so far behind that you cannot do anything and get out of the rut you find yourself in.

Will everyone know I have filed for bankruptcy?

The short answer is no. The only parties that will know are the IRS, creditors, and the bankruptcy court. Your employer will not be notified when you file for bankruptcy either unless they are also a creditor of yours. Your bankruptcy is public record but no notifications will be made.

How do I know if I should file for Bankruptcy?

If you are currently facing the repossession of your car or home, you will be better off considering Chapter 7. This will be a better alternative and you should move now before it is too late.

How do I choose a good Chapter 7 Attorney?

If you are considering Chapter 7, you must find a specialized Chapter 7 attorney that understands the laws and is current on any changes that my impact your situation.

When you call a bankruptcy attorney ask them how many bankruptcies they have handled in your state. Make sure you educate yourself on all your alternatives. You can easily do a quick search on the internet and do some quick research before you hire and commit to an attorney.

Most legitimate bankruptcy attorneys will be able to give you a fair assessment over the phone. Make sure you share the facts with your situation. Many times people are embarrassed of their situation and they hide the facts. This will only prevent an attorney from helping you fast and getting the process underway.

We cannot stress enough the need to get several assessments of your situation. This is key in not only getting the right advice, but also to make sure you get an attorney that is sincerely in the business of helping you.

Will I ever get credit again?

Bankruptcy will be reported on your credit report for up to 10 years. That said you can start right away in establishing your credit. Lenders typically consider your debt to income ratio as well your credit history.

Filing for Chapter 7 helps you eliminate your debts, but also helps in reducing your debt to income ratio as well. This does help in establishing good credit for you in the future. Creditors are in the business to make money by lending you money. Remember this and you will be able to find a lender that will sell you money in your situation.

There are lenders in the business of helping people in your exact situation. You may not get the best interest rate, but you have to start somewhere.

Remember, you can only file for bankruptcy every six (6) years. Dont find yourself in the same situation again! If you need financial counseling, dont be embarrassed. Learn how to manage your income, and your debt after your bankruptcy and you will be on your way to a clean financial bill of health.

Matt D Murren owns and operates Chapter 7 BankruptcyAmitie Blog50477
Alexis Blog8306

6 Little Spending Mistakes That Can Cost You Your Financial Freedom

Can't seem to get ahead financially? Debts piling up? Maybe you're making some of these mistake unknowingly. These mistakes listed below will help you understand where you may be going wrong and how to get back on track quickly. You can be debt free.

Mistake 1. Living Beyond Your Means

This is the real cause of your worry and stress. If you are spending more than you are earning, whose money are you spending? It's the credit card provider's or the bank's. The cost of this money is interest.

The way out - Make a Commitment to yourself only to spend within your income limits. Maybe you could increase your income (or cash in) by applying for more skilled positions, selling some of your unused articles or assets. Is the second car really a necessity? What about working out ways to make your hobby pay for itself?

Why not find ways to reduce your spending? How much would you save each year if you decided not to have the daily coffee shop coffee? Why not make your work lunch each day rather than buying it? Commit to only buying the necessities.

Mistake 2. Paying Off Less Than the Full Credit Card Balance Each Month

Get this debt under control and your life will be much easier. If you are like many others and only pay the minimum balance each month, the interest on the interest makes those purchases oh so expensive.

The way out - Find ways to put aside more money to apply to the credit cards. It will take time to reach this goal. However, if you don't make a start now you may never pay them off. This situation did not occur overnight and neither will the solution. But, by diligence and commitment you'll get there.

Mistake 3. Not Really Knowing Your Financial Situation

Before you can set meaningful goals and develop savings strategies you need to know your financial situation now. The best, proven and tested method by far, is by developing your own personal budget. This is not hard to do. Please don't give up now. Just follow these simple steps:

The way out -
a) Find your latest credit card statements. Write down all the unpaid balances.
b) Are there any other unpaid debts (not home or car) then include these balances as well.
c) List out your (or family) monthly income. Only the amounts "brought home". Include all types of income.
d) Work out your monthly spending. List out where all the money goes. Don't leave anything out.
e) Minus the monthly spending total from the monthly income total and review the answer.

This will give you an initial idea as to whether you are living within your means or on borrowed money.

Mistake 4. Continually Adding to Your Debt

If debt has got you into this situation it is critically important not to add to the state of affairs and thus make it worse.

The way out - cut up the credit cards, keeping only 1 for emergencies. Don't buy on impulse. Ask yourself twice or three times before you buy anything "Do I really need this?" before you hand over your hard-earned money. Don't buy at the height of the fashion or fad. Commit to never paying full retail for anything. Get it on sale or negotiate a lower price.

Mistake 5. Spending All Your Income

It may sound OK to spend any money you earn but there are risks attached to this strategy. How are you going to pay for emergency items? What about major car repairs. What about major electrical appliance replacement? Are you going to pay for these on credit? Bad idea! How are you going to save for a substantial deposit on the next car?

The way out - Once you've prepared your budget you will clearly see what you need to do to put some income aside for other needs such are emergencies and repairs.

Mistake 6. Spending Without Caring About Your Future

Unless you are planning for your future and financial security, you cannot be really happy. There are always worries lurking in your mind about how you would survive in a financial emergency if you have no savings. It can be very rewarding to see how quickly your savings multiply over time with only a small investment each payday.

The way out - Take stock of your life and realize that tomorrow won't look after itself. It needs your attention. Keep some funds aside to put away for your retirement, children's college costs, emergencies, holidays and major purchases.

Avoid these 6 spending mistakes and you'll be well on your way to financial freedom. Guaranteed.

Bruce Hokin has designed a simple budget tool called "5 Steps to Freedom" Personal Budget. It based on his extensive background as a qualified, experienced accountant, manager, consultant and financial adviser. You can be on your way to financial freedom within the hour. It is available at his website http://www.freedom-personal-budgets.comBrianne Blog47397
Anna Diana Blog51850

Using a Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan as Debt Relief

If you find yourself reeling under the pressure of mounting credit card bills, and feel you need some financial assistance to avoid filing for bankruptcy, you can probably consider a Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan. With the assistance of credit card debt consolidation, you can combine the outstanding balances on your credit cards into a single loan or a single credit card.

Mismanagement of funds and a haphazard use of credit cards can lead to very dire financial consequences. Once opting for a debt consolidation loan, refunding the loan along with the interest should be the primary objective of the beneficiary. It is always advisable to avoid taking a credit card debt consolidation loan, if the bills due are such that can be paid off without aid. This should not be considered as a means to avoid paying dues or minimizing the amounts due.

When opting for a debt consolidation loan, it is necessary to avail all information on the various loans and the debt consolidation quotes to decide on the type best suited to your needs. Information on debt consolidation loans can be obtained by visiting credit card debt consolidation services and also online.

Your eligibility to file for a credit card debt consolidation loans depends on your credit history, also termed as a credit report. It is based on this report that your credit amount, limits and repayment terms are determined. A bad credit score can reduce the amount that may be sanctioned to you.

A credit card consolidation loan should be considered as the final step for resolving major debt-related worries, but there are certain criteria that remain attached to it even then.

I) The person must consolidate only to ease up the burden of paying hefty amounts every month.

II) The interest rate of the credit card consolidation loan must be lesser than what the person was paying previously.

III) The total payable amount must be equal to or lesser than what he was paying previously in fragmented forms.

IV) He must be willing to change his spending habits to not get caught in a debt trap. He should not consider it an easy way out of debt.

Banks, credit unions, finance companies and other lenders grant credit card consolidation loans.

A credit card consolidation loan needs certain steps to be followed for deriving the maximum benefits. You should apply for a credit card consolidation loan through a credit card debt consolidation loan agent. Full payment of any former bill is a must; a bad payment history may hamper or cancel the processing of application.

Gibran Selman takes care of a website dedicated to gather information, on and off the internet, about debt consolidation and other related subjects. Annnora Blog65551
Aurilia Blog16083

7 Ways To Help Stop Your Dog From Digging Up Your Garden

Dogs love to dig, let's face it, it is a very natural and instinctual part of their makeup, and "it is a very enjoyable behavior for them" says Deborah L. Forthman, Ph.D. digging is something that dogs have been doing from the beginning, but there are ways to reduce the amount your dog digs.

Here are 7 different methods to help train your dog not to dig.

1.Before you begin with your dog obedience training on how to stop him from digging, try to figure out exactly what is causing your dog to behave that way. If he is very persistent into digging in one area, you may use the dog training command leave while using treats to distract him. You can also distract him by using a particular smell that excites him. These dog behavior modification methods typically work very well.

2. Try not to do any type of gardening and digging when your dog is around because remember that your dog looks up to you and wants to obey you, that being the case when your dog sees you digging and playing in the yard of course he will also think that is what he should be doing.

3. Exercise is a very important aspect of your dog's health, and not only that, the more exercise your dog gets, and the more energy the expends, the less likely that your dog will be able to muster up the energy, or the desire to go digging up your yard. If you find that your dog tends to like to dig at particular times of the day, then make sure you give him plenty of exercise around those times if possible so that he just can't be bothered digging.

4. Make sure that you are more understanding and less scolding with your dogs digging habit, particularly during the winter months. Often during the winter months dogs will dig more than the rest of the year the reasons that these years that your dog has a natural instinct for finding warmer places and dogs sense that by digging, they will get into a warmer area and this is certainly correct. If and when you do notice that your dog is digging more frequently when the temperature is cooler outside, then it is very important to be understanding and not to scold your dog for doing that, but relieve the situation by providing the right environment for him.

5. There are some dogs that absolutely positively can't resist digging, so rather than trying to go against nature and stop them altogether, let's take a different approach and create a special spot for your dog to dig in. Most dog experts agree that for some breeds it is almost impossible to prevent them from digging 100% of the time, and because your dog enjoys digging so much, train him to only dig in his special spot. The area you provide for him to did in doesn't need to be that big, something around three or four foot by six-foot should do the trick nicely.

6. Having your dog neutered or spade is one sure way to reduce their desire to dig because their drive to mate is drastically reduced, and without your dog having a strong desire to mate you almost certainly have a lot less holes in your yard.

7. Be very careful that if you do correct your dog when you catch him digging in the yard that you only do it with warmth and compassion, and that you absolutely must do it at the moment in time that he is digging and that you don't wait for him to stop and then correct him. This will reinforce whatever he is doing with your response, if you wait until he is finished and you scold him then he will get the wrong message.

Instead when you catch him digging try to immediately replace one activity with another, so therefore distract him from his digging and replace it with an enjoyable activity for him to do. If you continually do this it will help modify his behavior and reduce your dogs digging adventures.

Michael Weber is a passionate dog owner who studies the psychology of dogs, Michael helps people communicate properly with their dogs and to fix dog behavior problems fast. Visit here for Your Free Multi Media Mini Course: Blog3318
Caye Blog79620

Getting Out of Debt

Debt, in most American homes, is a way of life. The most common way to pay for things is with a credit card. 43% of households spend more than they earn. The average household has $8000 in credit card debt, although many have much more than that. With interest rates rising, that trend may be forced to come to an abrupt halt.

The first step in reducing debt is to get spending under control. Do not carry credit cards. Switch to a debit card and leave the credit cards at home, or better yet, cut them up. When you cut them up write a letter to the credit card company requesting that they cancel the card. Send a copy of that letter to the major credit reporting companies.

Next start paying off the debts you have. List them either in order of smallest to largest balance or highest to lowest interest rate. Determine the maximum amount you can pay on the debts monthly. Of course, this has to be more than the total minimum payment on all the credit cards. Make the minimum payments on all the cards except the first on the list. Pay as much as possible on that one. Continue paying as much as you can each month until it is paid off. Then do not reduce the amount you are paying on credit cards. Simply add the amount you were paying on the first card to the amount you were paying on the second card, and continue paying that total amount each month until the second card is paid off. Then add the amount you were paying there to payments on the third card. Continue this process until all cards are paid off.

When credit cards are paid off, start paying off car loans, furniture loans and other non-revolving loans. Then put the amount you were spending on debt into a savings account until you have six months living expenses in the account. Finally, start spending that money on your mortgage until your house is paid for. At that time you can use the money you have been spending on debt for vacations, or save up until you are able to buy a new car, boat or other luxury item for cash.

This process may take a long time. It could be years before the debt is completely paid off, but it will result in a new, much less stressful, lifestyle.

Lynn Doxon manages three businesses with her husband as well as a home and family. You can learn more about how they are paying off their debts at http://lynnd.3stepsecret.comCeleste Blog52321
Ardene Blog57268

What all about Bad Credit Signature Loans

Signature is taking a centre stage in the money market as it ascertains ones credential in the financial worlds and the individuals status. And, for those who could not make their financial standard viable enough, the lending authority has come with bad credit signature loans. Such individuals need not be the ones adding to the previous burden, but can also pave the way for a strong financial future. The punctual and duly repayment of the bad credit signature loans improves the credit status of the borrowers, and his credit history becomes healthier too that is reflected in his credit report.

Obtaining bad credit signature loans enhance individuals image in the business world as these loans have been given simply on the basis of their financial status despite adverse credit history, and the signature is an indicator to the fact that they still, have good credit in the business market. This is backed by a successful business and the profits you are making which ensure the repayment of the loans. The students going for higher studies can too go in for the bad credit signature loans as the cost of higher education is skyrocketing day by day.

There are galaxies of sites available online, and so the lenders offline in connection with bad credit signature loans. When there is no collateral security and you have an adverse credit, it does not mean that all the avenues to loans for a current emergency are closed. The money market has ripened with newer and better bad credit signature loans to cater to the discerning borrowers. The hope of these bad credit signature loans are also called personal loans can either avail secured or unsecured in form under any financial circumstance. Amount raised by the lending authority under the bad credit signature loans are 10, 000; this amount can be further increased up to 15, 000 too.

Bad credit signature loans can be applied for any purpose e.g., childrens higher education, a long awaited dream holiday vacations, renovations and home improvement at home, and in desperate need to consolidate the debts taken. Interestingly, individuals who wish not to place any of theirs valuable property as of their security can too apply for these bad credit signature loans. These loans can make them stress-free from putting their property at risk. And, borrowers avail the facility of the bad credit signature loans for a period ranges in between 3-5 years. This time period helps them make themselves adverse-free, and recoup their credit back to track.

Carmen Cortez is a specialist advisor of every type of business loan and currently working as financial consultant in Poor Credit Secured Loans. For further details of Bad Credit Signature Loans, poor credit secured loans UK, secured business loans, fast secured loans UK, easy secured loans visit Blog59043
Anni Blog40475

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